Thursday, December 22, 2011

Some Things Never Change

Someone once said that the only constant in the universe is change.

I am forced to agree with that, at least to a point.

I recently drove past the location where my father’s place of business once stood.

My father died several decades ago and where his business once stood there is now an empty lot.

My father repaired televisions and radios but even those forms of communication have changed.

Vacuum tubes have been replaced by transistors and computer chips.

When televisions break down today, people are far more inclined to replace them.

I remember when televisions were considered furniture and came in wooden cabinets in various finishes.

Televisions that had 25 inch screens once required two strong men just to move them.

Now, a flat panel television of equal screen size can easily be handled by one individual.

I grew up in an era where there were only three local channels to choose from.

Now, I have hundreds of channels at my disposal but sadly only a few offer something worth my time to watch.

Speaking of change, I noticed that the number of Christmas cards I mailed out this year is much smaller than it once was.

Many of the friends and relatives I once mailed Christmas cards to in years past have passed away and so the number of cards diminishes at an almost alarming rate.

Change even impacts the church I continue to attend.

Photographs of our former pastors as well as our current pastor line one wall in the narthex of our church.

I have been privileged to know three of these men of God personally.

Each has been an inspiration but each performed his work for the Lord in his unique way.

Yes, change is an inevitable part of life and I will no doubt witness still more change while I inhabit this world.

Yet, there are some constants in this world that I can count on.

The first is that Jesus never changes.

Hebrews 13:8 (NET) - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever!

The second is that the love of Jesus never changes.

Ephesians 5:2 (NET) - and live in love, just as Christ also loved us and gave Himself for us, a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God.

In a world where change appears to be constant, my Christmas wish for us is that we remember Jesus and His love for us will never change.

Nothing in the universe can ever change this.

Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim
Look for me at on Friday, December 30,, 2011.
Please enjoy the contributions of my fellow Christian bloggers while you are there!
I’ll be back here on Friday, January 6, 2011.
Schedule subject to change.

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