Thursday, October 28, 2010

Science and the Bible

Romans 10:17 (KJV) - So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

It is hard to believe that there was once a time when science and the Bible were not in opposition.

Long ago, the goal of science was to try to explain the observable works and laws of God visible in nature.

Science looked at God's creation and proposed theories about that creation. It then designed experiments intended to either prove or disprove those theories. Those experiments would then be performed and the results carefully observed. Then, conclusions would be drawn.

Somewhere along the way, however, the goal of science underwent a change.

Rather than seeking to understand God's creation, men of science decided that the pursuit of science was the path to enlightenment. Science would now attempt to disprove God's involvement in both creation and the natural laws in place.

In all fairness, one has to admit that science has a proven track record of being wrong.

For example, science at one time concluded that the earth was flat and that getting too close to the edge would put one in danger of falling off. We now know that such is not the case.

Science then changed it's mind and determined that the earth was not flat but rather a sphere. Furthermore, this sphere was at the center of everything and that all celestial bodies revolved around it. Once again, we now know that this is also inaccurate.

The science of medicine is not immune to error. Science at one time concluded that sickness was the result of bad blood and that the remedy was for the one sick to visit a barber in order to have that bad blood removed. This borders on the unbelievable today.

I could continue, but I think I have been hard enough on science.

Science does the best it can based on the information it has available. Yet it often draws incorrect conclusions.

As time goes by and new information comes to light science revises its theories, experiments and conclusions.

I am not anti-science. I have benefited from the things it has gotten right.

Modern technology, medicine and other advances have made my life both better and easier.

Yet, based on its proven track record of being wrong, I can hardly place my faith in science.

The Bible on the other hand is something in which I can find solid ground for my faith.

It has a timeless quality and is completely reliable.

God uses His Word to reveal truth.

The truth about who He is.

The truth about what He has done for us.

The truth about how He provided for our salvation through Jesus Christ.

Science, if properly applied, can give us glimpses of God and His creation in tangible and provable ways.

For far too long science and the Bible have been in opposing camps.

How wonderful it would be for the two to come back together again.

Between the two, only science has the capacity to move. So far, it has been reluctant to do so.

This is unfortunate.

If properly interpreted and applied, each could shed light upon the other.

Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim
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