Thursday, June 9, 2016


Nehemiah 4:14b – Remember that the Lord is great and awesome!

Although Vacation Bible School is a ministry primarily for children, we also provide a class for adults.

I volunteered to teach the adult class this week and tried to offer them something both interesting and challenging.

Church history is one of my passions.

I have written about it and have even been privileged enough to speak about it.

Over the last several weeks I prepared a series of four lectures and planned to tie these together on the final night of class.

Once again, God amazed me in that each of the lectures I presented tied in with the focus lesson aimed at the children each night.


My opening lecture was about a man named John Huss who was martyred for his faith in 1415.

Although he was not the founder of our church, his faith and dedication to the truth inspired those who did.

God was already at work creating our church through his life and example.


My second lecture centered on the early generations of our church and the years of persecution they endured.

God was at work helping them through the darkest times and thus preserved that which He created.


My third lecture was about John Amos Comenius who wrote 154 books.

Many of these books were written in exile.

Many improved the way children are educated.

Comenius was sustained by God’s love.


My fourth lecture was about our ancestors who left their homeland and came to America.

Pioneers in a new land they first worshipped in homes.

In time, they built communities, churches and secured ministers to lead them.

God calmed them as they adjusted to life in a new land.


The beauty of God’s wisdom was revealed.

In keeping in touch with our history, we understand how we came into being.

With this knowledge comes the responsibility of knowing our purpose.

God sends us out in the name of Jesus to reach those who are lost.

It comes as no surprise that the verse we stressed for the children is an important reminder for us.

Nehemiah 4:14b – Remember that the Lord is great and awesome!

Jim Pokorny
The Other Brother Jim
Look for me at on Friday, June 17, 2016.
I’ll be back here on Friday, June 24, 2016

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